Project-based SEL activities to help your teens develop essential soft skills and strategies they need to strengthen their social and emotional health.

Regulate Emotions
Manage Stress & Anxiety
Negotiate Conflict Skillfully

Develop Perspective
Build Self-Confidence
Set & Work Towards Goals

Develop Self-Awareness
Build Resilience
Cultivate Compassion & Empathy

Build Social Awareness
Appreciate Diversity
Maintain Healthy Relationships
It Works!
“The RETHiNK Kit is an elegantly designed, easy to implement and highly relevant series of mini-lessons helping teens to become better connected to their feelings, thoughts and peers. The activities are a useful asset to any classroom, youth program or healthcare setting.”
“Theo Koffler and her team have created a wonderful digital world on their website that empowers you to systematically learn how to become more present in life. What you get from these teachings in being more mindful, more awake, more present, is not only more balance in your emotions and thinking, but also enhancements in the health of both your body and your relationships with others, and your self!”
"RETHINK is the perfect companion for educators! RETHINK's easy to use prompts and activities allows the classroom teacher to capitalize on teachable moments when they arise. RETHINK has assisted in creating more respectful classroom environments, laying the foundation for deeper Participants learning."
"RETHINK is a user-friendly resource that provides educators with the tools and strategies they need to support resilience and compassion in their Participants. As a former classroom teacher, I found the materials visually compelling and the directions clear and concise. The audio and video resources are outstanding and provide another modality for teaching these important concepts to youth —Mindfulness Without Borders has achieved something truly special with RETHINK. "