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Being Human

This learning module inspires conversations that address relevant themes and real-world issues that touch on our common humanity. Imbedded in each activity are videos that share a particular story illustrating important human qualities and challenges that have shaped the story-tellers’ lifetime. By touching on issues of stereotypes, race, ethnicity, challenge and bias, the stories create a forum for discussion surrounding issues of empathy, kindness and appreciation for diversity.

The Legend

Learning Outcomes

Which social and emotional competencies are addressed.

Materials Needed

What materials
you will need.

Time it Takes

Amount of time to
facilitate the activity.


A PDF copy
of the activity.


Self-Discovery On A Single Breath

An activity that will spark the participant(s) curiosity about the breath and its connection to life.

The Conditioned

An activity that demonstrates the importance of looking past a person’s outer appearance and discovering who they are underneath.

Mindfulness Empowers Us

An activity which highlights the reasons why noticing our thoughts and feelings as we are thinking and feeling them is beneficial.

Sometimes You’re A Caterpillar

An activity highlighting the value of individuality and appreciating the interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment.

Like A Girl

An activity to explore the power of words and the way our judgments shape our perception and understanding of others.

#Not The Same

An activity highlighting the ripple effect of random acts of kindness.

Dear Future Generation: Sorry

An activity highlighting the role that each individual plays in making a difference in their community.

Why Mindfulness?

An activity that highlights the vital role that meditation plays in daily life.

Jay Z on Gratitude

An activity highlighting some of the powerful lessons that Jay-Z has learned about overcoming life’s challenges.

Shakespeare Saved My Life

An activity which illuminates the inner lives of incarcerated men and their search for forgiveness.