
Peter Chaban

The RETHiNK Kit is an elegantly designed, easy to implement and highly relevant series of mini-activities helping teens to become better connected to their feelings, their thoughts and those of their peers. Grounded in breathing exercises, each learning module takes young people through a well thought out exercise to help promote social and emotional well-being. The kit's activities are a useful asset for any classroom, youth program or health care setting.

Peter Chaban

Teacher and Researcher, Sick Kids Hospital

Dianne Banasco

WOW, WOW, WOW! I am almost speechless!! Loved consistency of the ‘What’, How & Why and the ‘to the point’, lesson requirements needed to implement the activity. This tool would have taken my breath away if I didn’t have the mindfulness skills to remember to breathe and exhale!!!

Dianne Banasco

Safe Schools Advisor, Toronto Catholic District School Board

Betsy Zeger

I absolutely LOVE it. I love the consistency and flow of the different models. Great for youth. Bravo, Bravo.

Betsy Zeger

Community Mediator and Conflict Coach, San Francisco

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

Learning to live with presence lets us go beneath the chatter of thinking that so often keeps us from feeling peace and clarity. Theo Koffler and her team have created a wonderful digital world on their website that empowers you to systematically learn how to become more present in life. What you get from these teachings in being more mindful, more awake, more present, is not only more balance in your emotions and thinking, but also enhancements in the health of both your body and your relationships with others, and your self! Not bad for simply leaning to show up in life. Try it and see for yourself!

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

Clinical Professor, UCLA School of Medicine, Executive Director, Mindsight Institute

Meena Srinivasan

The RETHiNK Kit is a must have for any middle/secondary teacher looking to integrate mindfulness based SEL into their instruction. Mindfulness Without Borders has created an incredibly accessible resource with beautifully designed learning modules and inspiring content—it makes me want to return to the classroom just so I can use this toolkit!

Meena Srinivasan

Program Manager – Office of Social and Emotional Learning, Oakland Unified Schools District

Andrew Roach

RETHINK is a user-friendly resource that provides educators with the tools and strategies they need to support resilience and compassion in their students. As a former classroom teacher, I found the materials visually compelling and the directions clear and concise. The audio and video resources are outstanding and provide another modality for teaching these important concepts to youth — Mindfulness Without Borders has achieved something truly special.

Andrew Roach

Associate Director, Center for Leadership in Disability, College of Education, Georgia State University

Jack Miller

Nicely done and should be really helpful to teachers and their students.

Jack Miller

Professor, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

Jack Kornfield

A wonderful kit…inviting, practical, and transformative to the lives of youth.

Jack Kornfield

Author, A Path With Heart

Monica Godin

Accessible, thought-provoking, and most importantly a deep resonance with student experience. My students are more self-aware and peaceful with these regular practices as part of their education.

Monica Godin

Teacher, Toronto

Richard Bilkszto

RETHiNK is the perfect companion for educators! It's easy to use and the conversation starters help create more respectful classroom environments, laying the foundation for deeper student learning.

Richard Bilkszto

Principal, City Adult Learning Center

Daniel Rechtschaffen

Mindfulness Without Borders has developed a profound toolbox of activities and strategies to help youth become more present, empathic, and relaxed. Weaving together technology and engaging mindfulness practices these lessons are sure to help foster a more peaceful and inspired school.

Daniel Rechtschaffen

Founder, Mindful Education

Amira Valle

What a wonderful kit. Easy to use, visually attractive, very convenient for classroom use and most important, it is the perfect learning platform for teens and their educators. I really love it.

Amira Valle

Teacher, Founder Elephant Wise, Mexico City