We envision The RETHiNK Kit as a catalyst that will nurture meaningful conversations and foster positive change from the inside-out for young people and the adults that surround them..
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is our vision?
What is The RETHiNK Kit?
The RETHiNK Kit is designed for health professionals, youth workers, educators and parents interested in 5-15 minute skills-building activities specifically targeted for young people ages 12 and older. Accessible on and offline, these plug and play activities focus on soft skills development to help them successfully transition into adult life. Through specific themes and conversation starters, young people explore their personal insights and the perspectives of others. They are challenged to reconsider previously held biases, broaden their horizons and make responsible choices. The activities also help them to look inward with a focus on reflection, self- awareness and self-management. In turn, they gain a more compassionate understanding of the world that surrounds them.
Why is RETHiNK an important learning resource?
Strengthening social and emotional intelligence is critical for healthy development and is the missing piece in education! Research shows that promoting social and emotional learning in young people will produce long term benefits, including social and emotional functioning, improved academic performance, and critical thinking.
What is the reasoning behind RETHiNK?
With the growing trend of bullying, discrimination, limiting assumptions and the pervasive demand of social media, pings, and rings – we wanted to develop a resource that changed the focus of attention from a world of distraction to focusing on the heart mind, body and environment. As a result, we created activities for young people to help them identify their unique qualities as well as appreciate the differences and diversity in others. Whether along dimensions of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, socio-economic status, age, or religious beliefs, when young people understand and value the experience of others they become part of a culture of support and collaboration and in turn, become genuine ambassadors for human kindness.
What is the learning theory behind The RETHiNK Kit?
This kit integrates two learning pedagogies, including social and emotional learning and secular mindfulness.
What is social and emotional learning?
Social and emotional learning is the process through which individuals acquire the knowledge and skills they need to recognize and manage their emotions, demonstrate caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions, and handle challenging social situations constructively.
What does focusing the mind mean?
Focusing the mind can be referred to as ‘attention training’ and/or secular mindfulness practices. The primary goal is to help anchor your attention in the moment, with a non-judging awareness of what is happening in the moment - allowing thoughts, feelings and body sensations to come and go without getting caught up in them. While thoughts will come into the mind, (as that’s what the mind does!) the idea is to simply notice these thoughts, and return your attention back to focusing on the breath. Whenever you notice that your attention has drifted off and is becoming caught up in thoughts or feelings, simply note that the attention has drifted, and then gently bring the attention back to your breathing. The intention is to develop acceptance and compassion for ourselves exactly as we are.
For whom is the kit suitable?
The kit is designed for anyone working with young people, (ages 12+) including health professionals, coaches, youth workers, parents and educators.
Who are the authors of The RETHiNK Kit?
The RETHiNK Kit was created by Mindfulness Without Borders, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting people around the world with research-based programs focused on skills that improve social and emotional health. Founded by Theo Koffler, an award-winning social entrepreneur, The RETHiNK Kit is designed to leverage technology for social good.
The Mindfulness Without Borders Team is made up of an eclectic group of educators, health professionals and practitioners bringing educational programs and best practices in mindfulness and social-emotional intelligence to educational, health and corporate settings. Since our establishment in 2007, we’ve been dedicated to the idea that reaching across borders, learning from others and incorporating a diverse array of perspectives lays the foundation for a culture of peace. Our evidence-based educational programming empowers individuals by facilitating cross-cultural dialogues, cultivating intelligence of the heart and promoting an awareness of the world and the various communities with whom we share it. In 2015, The Huffington Post selected Mindfulness Without Borders as one of the Next Ten Generational organizations that are changing our world.
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